The intuitive, affordable xR solution for broadcasting

Teleport your show and offer your audience an immersive TV experience. The BACKDROP multiCAM solution can project an interactive 3D environment onto LED walls. And integrate 3D objects thanks to augmented reality.

Fast to setup

Quick and easy installation, Backdrop is set up in less than 30 minutes

Easy to use

Easy to use by anyone, Backdrop requires no knowledge of Unreal Engine

Designed for broadcast

Speaking situation is connected with the multiCAM in real time to know exactly what needs to covered.

An immersive experience

multiCAM BACKDROP is a technological innovation that is revolutionizing the entertainment and content production industry. It combines the benefits of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) to immerse viewers in immersive, interactive digital environments.

All the cameras on the set are tracked in space, so that the virtual set projected onto a LED wall can react in real time according to the cameras’ point of view. Actors and presenters are placed in front of this virtual stage, giving them the impression of being in a real set, and the possibility of interacting with it.

Instantly change the look of your tray

BACKDROP is a turnkey solution that takes no time at all to learn, and requires no major technical skills. An xR tray can be configured in less than 30 minutes!

Their interface is clear and intuitive. It enables operators to manipulate virtual elements efficiently.
There’s no need to be an Unreal Engine expert, as sets created by the creative team are imported directly, without risk.

BACKDROP’s interface is clear and intuitive. It enables operators to manipulate virtual elements efficiently.
There’s no need to be an Unreal Engine expert, as scenery previously created by the creative team can be imported directly, without risk.

xR multiCAM BACKDROP technology is an exciting innovation that offers significant advantages for live content productions. It enables the creation of detailed, realistic virtual environments, while reducing production costs and improving the overall quality of the final product.

BACKDROP is supported by the EPIC MegaGrant program, and has received a number of awards, including SATIS 2021. Used by TV channels on a daily basis, BACKDROP is the essential solution for virtual xR production.

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MEDIAWAN chooses BACKDROP solution
MEDIAWAN chooses BACKDROP solution

French media group MEDIAWAN has opted for the BACKDROP solution to craft a short-
format comedic series for television.

ARTE choosed multiCAM BACKDROP
ARTE choosed multiCAM BACKDROP

MultiCAM, in collaboration with AMP Visual, recently set up an XR set for Arte’s new daily program”The 19-21″

ARTE 19-21 Virtual Production
ARTE 19-21 Virtual Production

German-french TV channel «ARTE» choosed multiCAM BACKDROP to create a daly show
using a dedicated xR stage.

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Powerful 3D capabilities

The solution comes with a “3D RT” server box.
The standard version includes a powerful graphics card (3090 series) that can provide real-time graphics. Display, tracking and cameras must be genlocked.


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